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Install Pixelmon Minecraft mod on Linux Server


I have seen plenty of tutorials circulating online on how to install mods on a Minecraft server. Most specifically Pixelmon. To summarize, their solution was to go pay for their proprietary Minecraft hosting/admin panels for ease of installation.

This tutorial can be seen as a general guide on installing Forge modded Minecraft servers with the example being Pixelmon for Minecraft Version 1.12.2.


This guide is on how to install the Pixelmon server using Forge Server on a Linux Server


Firstly, we want to create a directory where we want to deploy this Minecraft server. Once that is done, we can change our working directory to it and begin downloading Minecraft-Forge-installer.jar onto the server.

Forge 1.12 server jar download


Install forge server

Now that that jar file has been successfully downloaded to our server, we can run the following command to start the server installation process.

java -jar forge-1.12.2- --installServer

installing forge server
Installing Forge Server

Troubleshoot (optional)

Command 'java' not found, but can be installed with: error

Java does not come packaged with new Linux servers. Luckily the error provides a solution for installing java onto the server. I found that OpenJDK version 1.8.0 worked the best with the mods and premade adventure maps.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless

Then run the install forge server command again.

Run forge server

Time to finally run this thing!

java -jar forge-1.12.2- --nogui

failed to accept Minecraft's EULA
Failed to load eula.txt!

Now what??

Accept Eula

Failed to load eula.txt

Before a Minecraft server can begin, you will need to accept Mojang’s EULA agreement. A Eula, standing for End-user license agreement, specifies in detail the rights and restrictions which apply to the use of the software.

We can accept it by editing the .txt file in nano.

  • nano eula
  • Change eula=false to eula=true
  • Ctrl+X to save and exit
accepting Minecraft's Eula

Run server again

This time it will start creating files necessary to run the Minecraft server such as configuration and world files. Now you can install any mods from here or just use it as a Vanilla Minecraft server.

initializing pixelmon forge files
Forge Minecraft server directory

To install mods, we will need to stop the Minecraft server using the Ctrl + C shortcut.

Pixelmon server jar download

Change your working directory into the mods directory.

cd mods

Download Pixelmon server jar from the website.


installing pixelmon server.jar in mods directory
Installing PIxelmon server jar

Delete the world folder

Deleting the old world file will allow the Pixelmon mod to create Pokemon structures and other necessary items.

rm -rf world/

Run server again

java -jar forge-1.12.2- --nogui

Running forge server jar again
Initializing PIxelmon server

Post Installation

Join the server from the game client

Lastly, join the Minecraft Pixelmon server and enjoy your Pokemon adventure with friends on Minecraft!

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